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Kokkolan kirkko

+358 50 3147505
Läntinen Kirkkokatu 1267100 Kokkola Finland
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  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lot

Best WLM Reviews

Joululaulujen musiikki esitys valtava, nuori mies lauloi niin että ikkunat helisivät, urkurina toimi Sibelius akatemian opettaja, ja sen kuuli. Nautin. Kirkon akustiikka on hyvä, ainoa miinus on se että Kokkolan kirkko on ruma. Alttariseinä kolkko suuri, keltainen, tiiliseinä.
Olisikohan 60-luvun rakennuspuumia. Ei mienkään silmiä hivelevä, mutta kirkon toimitukset käy täälläkin.
Akustiikka suht koht kunnossa.Kalevi Kiviniemi todisti sen!!!
Sinällään ihan hieno, mutta hieman kolkko.
Perinteinen kivikirkko joka henkii vanhaa terva-ajan tunnelmaa.
Kovat penkit,musiikkitarjonta hieman yksipuolista.
Moderni, ei kovin kaunis.
Viihtyisä kirkko keskellä kokkolaa!

Quick Facts About Kokkolan kirkko

Kokkolan kirkko has several strengths and weaknesses based on the comments provided. Let's discuss them in detail.
Starting with the strengths, one of the most notable aspects is the impressive music performance during the Christmas carol concert. The comment mentions that the music was so powerful that the windows were shaking. This suggests that the musical experience in Kokkolan kirkko is exceptional, which is a significant strength. Furthermore, having a young man singing with such talent adds to the overall musical enjoyment.
Another strength is the quality of acoustics in the church. The comment highlights that this was witnessed by a renowned teacher from the Sibelius Academy who served as the organist during the performance. Good acoustics enhance the sound quality and make the music more captivating for the audience. It is also mentioned that the acoustics were generally in good condition, indicating that the church provides a suitable environment for musical events.
Additionally, the traditional ambiance of the church is appreciated. One comment describes it as a "traditional stone church that exudes an old tar era atmosphere." This suggests that Kokkolan kirkko has maintained its historic charm and offers a unique and authentic experience for visitors. The preservation of historical elements is often valued by individuals seeking a traditional religious setting.
Furthermore, the location of the church is considered a strength. It is described as a pleasant church in the middle of Kokkola. Being centrally located makes it easily accessible for locals and visitors alike. This convenience can attract more people to attend services or events held at the church.
Moving on to the weaknesses, the primary criticism of Kokkolan kirkko is its appearance. It is commented that the church is "ugly" and that the altar wall is a large, cold, yellow, brick wall. It is further suggested that the building may have been constructed during the 1960s and lacks visual appeal. It is important to note that aesthetics play a role in creating a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere for worshipers, and the negative comments about the church's appearance could hinder its appeal to some individuals.
Another weakness mentioned is the discomfort caused by the hard church benches. Comfort is an essential factor for individuals attending religious services, as the ability to focus and engage in the activities without physical discomfort can enhance the overall experience. The comment also suggests that the variety of music available is somewhat limited, indicating a potential weakness in the church's musical repertoire.
Lastly, it is stated that Kokkolan kirkko is a modern church but not particularly beautiful. While modern architecture can be appealing to some individuals, it seems that in this particular case, the modern design of the church fails to leave a positive impression on visitors.
In conclusion, Kokkolan kirkko has notable strengths, such as its impressive music performances, good acoustics, traditional ambiance, and convenient location. However, it also has weaknesses, including its unattractive appearance, uncomfortable seating, and limited musical variety. These strengths and weaknesses can influence individuals' perceptions and experiences when attending services or events at the church. It is important for the church administration to address the weaknesses and build upon the strengths to improve the overall visitor experience.

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