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+358 19 7585650
Kallionkatu 1011100 Riihimäki Finland
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  • Wheelchair accessible entrance
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Best WLM Reviews

Hammas lääkärillä huono päivä olisi pitänyt jäädä kotiin pahamieli
Ensimmäistä kertaa kävin ja erittäin hyvä hoito ja henkilökunta ystävällistä ammattitaitoista.
Hyvä ja nopea palvelu, asiakkaat huomioon ottava henkilökunta ja uusi aika saatiin kätevästi käynnin jälkeen varattua.
Pelko lähti pois, nautin jopa käynnistä. Paikka ei tuntunut hammashoitolaksi. Ovien takaa ei kuulunut poran ääntä. Kiitän hyvästä ja asiallisesta hoidosta.
Hyvä palvelu. Hoitajat tekivät ikävästäkin toimenpiteestä mahdollisimman siedettävän ja asiakkaan toiveita kuunneltiin.
Hammashoitolassa on ystävällinen ja asiantunteva henkilöstö. Hammaslääkäripelkoiset lapset osataan ottaa asiallisesti ja hyvin huomioon.
Loistavaa ja nopeaa palvelua ! Ajan sai nopeasti tarpeeseen ja hammaslääkärillä homma toimi. Kiitos! ; ) Lomamatkalle lähtö nyt mukavampaa kun hammas korjattu.
En ole käynyt viikko sitten, vaan myöhemmin. Viikko sitten odotin miestäni hoitolastsa. Hammashoitola on hyvä.

Quick Facts About Hammashoitola

Based on the comments provided, the strengths and weaknesses of the Hammashoitola place can be identified as follows:
Strengths: 1. Good and professional treatment: Many customers praised the quality of the dental treatment they received at the Hammashoitola place. They mentioned that the staff was friendly and competent, providing effective dental care. 2. Friendly and considerate staff: The comments highlight the friendly and considerate nature of the staff at the Hammashoitola place. They were praised for taking the customers' needs and wishes into account, making even unpleasant procedures more tolerable. 3. Quick and efficient service: The Hammashoitola place was commended for providing prompt and efficient service. Customers appreciated that they were able to get an appointment quickly and that the dental procedures were carried out effectively. 4. Comforting environment: Several comments mentioned that the Hammashoitola place did not feel like a typical dental clinic. Customers reported a lack of noise from dental drills and a calming atmosphere, which helped alleviate their dental fears and anxieties. 5. Child-friendly dentistry: The Hammashoitola place was praised for its ability to cater to children who were afraid of visiting the dentist. The staff knew how to handle anxious children appropriately and made efforts to ensure a positive experience for them.
Weaknesses: 1. Inconsistent scheduling: One comment mentioned waiting for their spouse at the Hammashoitola place a week in advance, suggesting possible scheduling issues or delays in service. 2. Limited availability of recent feedback: The comments provided are positive but do not cover recent experiences. It would be helpful to have more up-to-date feedback to get a comprehensive understanding of the Hammashoitola place's strengths and weaknesses. 3. Lack of specific details: The comments lack specific details regarding the treatments or procedures received. It would be beneficial to have more detailed information about the specific dental services provided at the Hammashoitola place. 4. Limited information on facilities: There is no mention of the physical facilities or equipment available at the Hammashoitola place. This information would be helpful in evaluating the overall quality and capabilities of the dental clinic.
In conclusion, based on the limited comments provided, the Hammashoitola place appears to have several strengths, including good and professional treatment, friendly and considerate staff, quick and efficient service, a comforting environment, and child-friendly dentistry. However, it is important to note the inconsistencies in scheduling, the lack of recent feedback, the limited specific details, and the absence of information about the facilities. Further customer reviews and more detailed information would be necessary to make a more comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the Hammashoitola place.


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